Monday, May 4, 2009

Potty Train

Evan has started potty training. Evan doesn't mind it a bit and I'm sure that if we would be more conscientious about getting him to the potty and reminding him, he would probably be done by now. These are pictures from his first time on the potty, first time in pull ups and first time in big boy undies. I just couldn't resist the bare bum picture...I think it's the long sleeve shirt and socks. :)

Evan loves this book. We read it for quite awhile before he ever sat on the potty, and I think it helped.

Nothing better than reading in your undies...

This is right after we put these on for the first time. I think he was a little nervous, so he was trying to hide. He got over that quickly.

This is a digital scrapbook page I made. Cute huh?

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