Sunday, May 31, 2009

Oregon Trip April 2009

In April we stayed at the Worldmark Resorts in Seaside and Depoe Bay. It turned out that we found bonus time for the Walkers and Mom and Dad Marks too, so we had a nice little group there. We stayed in Seaside for 2 nights and Depoe Bay for 3. Depoe Bay is definitely our favorite as far as the view from the rooms. You are right on the ocean cliffs and it is amazing! Here are some pictures from our trip. I'm not sure what order they will appear in...never know with blogger. :)

Bay by Yaquina Head Lighthouse

Yaquina Head Lighthouse

Walker Family at Shipwreck Beach

Us at Canon Beach. Haystack rock in the background.

Evan tuckered out after a long day!

Us at Shipwreck Beach.

Gary, Christian, Doug, Sherry and Mom Marks at Gleneden.

View from Seaside balcony.

Ready to go swimming in the pool.

Mom and Dad Marks at Shipwreck Beach.

Kassidy checking out the Sea Otter at the Newport Aquarium.

Evan thrilled with Grace.

Grace and Kassidy in the fish tube at the aquarium.

Gleneden Beach

Evan chillin' in the stroller.

Gary and Evan best of buds.

Evan and Grandma Marks.

Grace, Evan and Gary at Newport Aquarium.

View from Cape Perpetua.

Beach combing at Gleneden Beach.

Evan and the shell he found.

View from Depoe Bay balcony.

Evan loved looking at the fish and I loved how this picture turned out.

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