Saturday, July 18, 2009

New Rail for Deck, Diego bike for Evan

Yippee!!! The deck is getting the rail so Evan can play on there without falling off!

Gary and Dad T. getting started.

Even looked at the instructions!

Getting the first post level.

Carefully taking the plastic off...unlike last time when Gary cut his hand.

Cutting the rails with the new saw from Dad T.

First panel complete!

Dad M. came over to help too.

Lots of talking, a little bit of working.

The hard workers, almost done.

Complete! We gained almost 300 sq. ft. of space by railing in the deck!

Evan's first time with the rail up. He didn't have to hear us repeatedly saying, "be careful, watch for the edge." Instead he got, "don't run into the rail..." :)

Riding the Diego bike.

Not so sure about pedaling.

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