Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gleneden Beach

Tonight we went down to the beach by the resort. We only stayed for 30 minutes or so because it was pretty cold.
Evan all bundled up.

Because of the cloud cover, this was all we could see of the sun.

This is the building we are staying in.

Heceta Head Lighthouse

These pictures are taken from a pull out on HWY 101. We didn't take Evan's stroller, so walking to the lighthouse was out of the question this time around. Next time we will definitely do that though. We skipped the Sea Lion Caves because it would have cost 30 bucks, which is way too much. Maybe when Evan is actually interested we'll do that. :)

Devil's Churn - Cape Perpetua

Cape Foul Weather

We stopped at Cape Foul Weather on our way to Newport. I'm not sure how hard the wind was blowing, but apparently it can blow up to 100 mph here. It was blowing hard enough that I couldn't hold the camera very still, so my pictures are slightly blurry! Crazy.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Playing on the Playground at Tolavona Beach

Gleneden Beach Resort

Evan checking out the view from our condo at Gleneden Beach. He's more interested in watching people in the pool than in watching the ocean. The ocean is so close we can hear it even with the windows shut. Can't wait to sit and relax tomorrow just watching the waves come in! I'll add more pictures tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jingle Bells

I've been on a mission all month to get Evan to sing Jingle Bells on video. These are the best I could get. Well actually, that's not true. I had a better one but I accidentally deleted it off the camera! Oops.

Christmas Morning

First look on Christmas morning,

Santa was good to Evan...Ball thingy and a Trios set! :)


The Sricklin's gave Evan this racetrack and he loves it!

Tent and tunnel from G & G Marks.

Scooter from G & G Thompson

Gingerbread House


Evan dressed up as Po from Kung Fu Panda.

Evan checking out Grace and Kassidy's costumes.

3rd Birthday - Lightning McQueen

Well, another birthday has come and gone and once again I don't have very good pictures! I'll have to see if my Mom got some good ones...once again. Thank goodness she takes pictures! Evan's scrapbooks aren't going to have a very good representation of his birthdays if this keeps up. Anyway, here are some that turned out fine. We had a house full to help us celebrate. All of our family from around here came and Evan got some great gifts!

Happy Birthday!!!
I made a racetrack Lightning McQueen cake. My wrists weren't up to very much piping, so this cake was pretty simple this year. It turned out cute though.

Evan got a singing/dancing/walking Lightning from Sherylee and he loved it!

We had Evan eat a cupcake before everyone came because we knew he wouldn't eat when everyone was around.

Cupcake tree with rings for the kids.

Evan's favorite toy was the Mack truck that Lightning rides in.

After party daze.