Friday, August 21, 2009

Garfield Bay

I finally remembered to take the camera out of the bag yesterday when we went to Garfield Bay. Evan loves the water and it's kind of sad that summer will be over too soon.

Sleep in Bed...Why?

Lately Evan has been having a very hard time staying in bed for his naps...

He'll get up and play for awhile and then fall asleep on the floor.

Or he will get up and not fall asleep and then fall asleep during dinner.

I'm tired of the battle all afternoon, so today I told him he could "rest" on the couch while he watched a movie. It worked like a charm. Right now he's completely zonked out on the couch. I don't really care where he takes his nap, I just want him to take a nap so he'll be pleasant the rest of the day, thus making me more pleasant. :)


Here is the reason Evan has dog on the brain. :)

Buddy loved getting in the little swimming pool. Notice all the water coming off his tail? :) I thought that was a cool shot.

I'm not sure how many times Gary through the ball for Buddy, but it was a lot!

For the most part, Evan was content to just watch Buddy from the deck.

Big Shoes

The other day Evan was trying on Gary's shoes. He wore them around the house for quite a while. He couldn't move very fast, but he had a great time.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Huckleberry Jam

I'm glad you can start with huckleberries from this state. I don't really care for picking them!

A little bit of leftovers.

The tools. :)

Final Product. All the lids already popped, so they have sealed successfully!

Now they just need to sit for 24 hours.