Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Finally!

I finally got video of Evan singing happy birthday!!!

Chair Tippin'

Who needs cows when you can tip chairs?

Evan and His Water

Sunday, February 8, 2009

It's a Rough Life Getting Woken Up

Trying to wake Evan up.

Evan's response to being woken up.

New Toddler Bed

This is Evan the first night in his new bed. He really loved it.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Evan Singing, Screaming, Laughing, Talking Video

Cute in Plaid

Evan's Haircut

A few weeks ago we decided Evan was way overdue a haircut. I tried buzzing it, to no avail, then cut it with scissors while he screamed and screamed. We finally got done and it looked terrible. So, later in the day, Gary went and got some new clippers and gave Evan a buzz to clean up the mess I made. Evan still screamed, but at least he looked much better. Here are some pictures.